The future is cloudy
It is obvious most vendors are very focused on supporting the cloud. Ubuntu 9.04 focus on provide so you can have your "own" Amazon cloud. Canonical provides images for Amazon EC2. SpringSource makes it simpler to deploy spring applications on the cloud, both own Google AppEngine and Amazon. Vmware helps you to build your inhouse cloud.
Then we have all SaaS services like Google Apps, Salesforce, sugarcrm.
The big question is: How do we get single sign on on the cloud?
Enough about clouds for today.
One of the bigest news from SpringOne here in Amsterdam is that SpringSource development environment, STS, will be free as in no fees. Today it was mentioned in one conversation that a new minor release of STS will be released next thursday.
Then we have all SaaS services like Google Apps, Salesforce, sugarcrm.
The big question is: How do we get single sign on on the cloud?
Enough about clouds for today.
One of the bigest news from SpringOne here in Amsterdam is that SpringSource development environment, STS, will be free as in no fees. Today it was mentioned in one conversation that a new minor release of STS will be released next thursday.