The next swedish superstar
Normally I write about tech related things on this blog. Since there a massive interest in todays topic I write about it here instead of in my Swedish blog.
The other day the Swedish evening paper Expressen had a full page article about Erik Hassle and that he had signed a world wide record contract. Erik has only released one single in Sweden earlier. His first album will be released in April in Sweden. According to the record company boss will Erik be one of Sweden's greatest artist.
Well, last night did I attend a concert organized by the Swedish UN-organization to collect money to remove mines. There were several bands playing, but for me Erik Hassle was the main event. The crowd were screaming and dancing. The sound were terrific. The music and the lyrics, good as ever. It was a great gig and it is exciting to know that it is Sweden's next big artist. (Sorry for the very bad picture taken with my cellphone.)
The music on Eriks myspace-page is good, but he is even better live.
The other day the Swedish evening paper Expressen had a full page article about Erik Hassle and that he had signed a world wide record contract. Erik has only released one single in Sweden earlier. His first album will be released in April in Sweden. According to the record company boss will Erik be one of Sweden's greatest artist.
Well, last night did I attend a concert organized by the Swedish UN-organization to collect money to remove mines. There were several bands playing, but for me Erik Hassle was the main event. The crowd were screaming and dancing. The sound were terrific. The music and the lyrics, good as ever. It was a great gig and it is exciting to know that it is Sweden's next big artist. (Sorry for the very bad picture taken with my cellphone.)
The music on Eriks myspace-page is good, but he is even better live.
Vi har sett att du gillar Erik Hassle och hans musik. Därför vill vi nu ge dig möjligheten att vara en av de få utvalda (endast 200 personer!) att få chansen att både träffa Erik och uppleva en väldigt speciell spelning på intima Gröna Lundsteatern. Under aftonen kommer Hassle och hans band att spela låtar från sitt kommande album.
Svara på det här mejlet till före den 28 april för en chans att stå på gästlistan den 5:e maj! Gå in på för mer info. Kvällen har 18-årsgräns.
Erik Hassle & Artist Company Ten hoppas få se dig den 5:e maj.